Pitch + Grains + Loops

Alexander Pedals Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch

Alexander Pedals – Fever Pitch Stereophonic Orchestrator The Fever Pitch is a stereophonic orchestrator. It offers four customizable pitch shifters. You can control the volume, pitch (up/down two octaves) and you can even set the panning of each one! It has an onboard delay/reverb which you can access easily with the simple user interface. Its …

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EHX - Pog 2

Pog 2

EHX – Pog 2 Here I’m using the microcosm in mosaic mode which creates these magical ambient melody lines, feeding that into the Pog2 while blending the organ tones 2 octaves up or 2 down is pretty awesome. The Dimension C is providing this subtle modulation which creeps up on you (and then all of …

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Pladask Elektrisk FABRIKAT


Pladask Elektrisk – FABRIKAT Here I’m using Algorithm 2.4 Sample Playback – 2 Head Octave Steps which gives you adjustable playback and octave speed x2 (controlled by the P1 and P2 knobs) To say that this makes whatever you process sound surreal is an understatement. This mode generates soundscapes from a parallel universe, and I …

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Alexander Pedals Marshmallow


Alexander Pedals – Marshmallow Here I’m processing Piano Loops with the Marshmallow pitch shifter. I love the very moody melody it creates when detuned and pitched low. The ambient reverb modulator Wardenclyffe and the almighty Avalanche Run are a perfect addition to it all. This chain is just so special.

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